
Previously Nexabio Venture Solutions


  Taking Abandoned Therapeutics to New Frontiers

Challenges in the process of introducing and repurposing therapeutics causes many drugs to be left with their potentials undiscovered.

Current Drug Development Issues


Introducing a safe and effective drug to the market is complex. Low efficacy, competitive disadvantages against established treatments, misalignment with manufacturers’ business strategies, and stringent regulatory and safety concerns can all halt development if a drug poses health risks or fails to meet safety standards.

Barriers to Repurposing

Drug repurposing is a complex and infrequent endeavor. Significant obstacles, including financial and resource limitations, can limit the discovery of new applications for existing drugs.

Intellectual property complexities and restricted access to necessary data further hinder these efforts. Additionally, the "Not Sold Here" bias, reflecting a reluctance to adopt externally developed innovations, can also impede the repurposing process.

As a Result…



Leveraging machine learning models to help drugs get back out there.

Our Developed Product Pipeline 

Our Computational Approach

Leveraging Data for Success

Our Optimized Drug Pipeline

Collaborators and Institutional Involvements

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