Discovery Engine

Taking Abandoned Drugs to New Frontiers.

Sign up for our Waitlist Below

Tier 1 - Drug Characterizations and Chemical Analysis

Get access to molecular dynamic analysis and chemical characterization for small molecule drugs.

✓ Drug characterizations across 150 intrinsic properties
✓ Access to structural analysis
✓ Conversion of structure to SMILES, OBDI, InChI identifier
✓ Property analysis through molecular dynamic analysis
✓ ADMET properties Analysis

Coming Soon - August 25th

Tier 2 - Generative Chemistry and Drug Optimization Engine

Get access to our generative model to create new chemical structures from desired property requirements.

✓ Structural manipulation engine
✓ Reverse engineer generated molecules with desired properties
✓ Obtain specific, quantitative target binding interactions
✓ Create new compounds generated in 3D

Coming Soon - October 25th

Tier 3 - Drug Repurposing Engine and Disease Model Integration

Integrate a comprehensive disease modeling network into your workflow to analyze molecular dynamic interactions with specific targets, enabling the discovery of new drug indications.

✓ Full disease model integration for drug repurposing
✓ Screen your drug against thousands of identified targets
✓ Molecular dynamic modeling, docking affinity, and 3-D models
✓ Analyze disease formation quantitatively with omics data
✓ Multi-omic analysis for better disease understanding

Coming Soon - Novemeber 25th

Tier 4 - Clinical Trial Predictor and Financial Feasibility Analysis

After proven scientific analysis, analyze your drug for determined success in clinical trials and in the markets with financial feasibility screenings.

✓ Screen drugs across hundreds of thousands of clinical trials
✓ Screen drug success predictions across phase 1, 2, 3 trials
✓ Advanced analytics for market prediction and ROI estimation
✓ Detailed financial feasibility reports
✓ Investment risk assessment

Coming Soon - Novemeber 25th